Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Transparent life

“You will never succeed in life if you try to hide your sins. Confess them and give them up; then God will show mercy to you”.   Prov. 28:13  GNT

Living a transparent life can sound quite scary.   We never know how people are going to respond to the real us.

What if reality disappoints?   Yet, hiding is not an option for the believer; our God loves us too much to allow the charade to continue.

There is tremendous freedom, more freedom than most people could fathom, when somebody truly knows you and all your “stuff” and still loves you and respects you.  

When I live transparently, there is no fear of exposure or shame; there is a “lightness of being” that results from not having to juggle a lie.

Even though people may disappoint and friendships fail, refusing to live an authentic life separates us from the one relationship we can always trust.

I think the biggest pitfall is distance from God; when we lie to people, we offend the God of truth, and that will create distance in our relationship with Him.  

How can we speak the truth when we live in constant denial of the truth?

Are we kept in sinful patterns of living?

So what does God say about living a transparent lifestyle?

The answer is found in the above Scripture, Prov. 28:13 and in James 5:16 we are exhorted to “…….confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

It appears that living a transparent life creates a revolution; proclaiming that our God is able to reconcile men to Himself through the death of His Son and by the power of His resurrection set free the captives to live an authentic and fulfilling life.

It is time for believers to step out from behind their mask and allow others to see that there is a real human being underneath, with God-given gifts and fleshly struggles.  It makes far more sense to work at changing than to work at covering something up.

Are you honest about where you are in your spiritual walk?

Can you laugh at yourself?                                                                           
Can you own up to your mistakes?

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