“This is what Isaiah the son of Amoz saw about Judah and
Jerusalem that was coming: In the last days, the mountain of the
house of the Lord will be the most important of the mountains. It will be
raised above the hills. All the nations will come to it.
Many people will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the
mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob. Then He will teach us
about His ways, that we may walk in His paths. For the Law will go out from
Zion, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” Isa. 2:1-3 NLV
To really appreciate what Isaiah is saying in these verses,
we must understand what the conditions were like at the time that he prophesied
these words. There was only one nation in the whole world that had any idea of
God at all. That nation was Israel, and even their knowledge had become
corrupted and polluted. All other
nations of that day were bound by satanic power and were blinded spiritually by
the God of this world.
In the midst of this condition, Isaiah stands up and with prophetic anointing burning in his soul and declares that there would come a day in the future when people from every nation were going to come into the house of God to be instructed in His ways and that they would walk in His paths.
In the first chapter of Isaiah we were dealing with the consequences of Judah and its fallen state, but now Isaiah is telling about the time when Jesus returns.
In the midst of this condition, Isaiah stands up and with prophetic anointing burning in his soul and declares that there would come a day in the future when people from every nation were going to come into the house of God to be instructed in His ways and that they would walk in His paths.
In the first chapter of Isaiah we were dealing with the consequences of Judah and its fallen state, but now Isaiah is telling about the time when Jesus returns.
Let’s stop for a moment and think about what will become of those that decide to conduct themselves contrary to the Word of God?
How hopeless will it seem to those that are left behind when
the Lord calls His Church home?
The mountain of the house of God will be established as the
chief of the mountains, and will be raised above the hills; and all the nations
will stream to it. We are talking about the raptured church, and those nations
that are streaming to the house of God are the nations of the Gentile people that
have chosen to follow God’s will and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.
It does not include those that comprised Biblical standards. It does not include those that thought they
were good enough. It does not include
those that have interpreted God’s Word in such a way as to act in behavior that
is contrary to God’s Word and believe it is acceptable in the times we live in
now, when it was unacceptable previously. God’s Word does not change and neither does
its consequences.
As we look around us and see the rapidly deteriorating condition of this world we are never to take our eyes off of the One who bought us from His place upon the cruel cross. For those that remain faithful in the meantime, for those that answer when God calls, for those that share the Gospel with others in need of its hearing, regardless if they heed or not, there are high hopes ahead for each and every one of us.
The Lord took Isaiah away into a future place through the
Holy Spirit and showed him something awesome.
God showed him the glory of Mount Zion!
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