“To this hour we are hungry and thirsty, and our clothes are worn
out. People hurt us. We have no homes.
We work with our hands to make a
living. We speak kind words to those who
speak against us. When people hurt us,
we say nothing.” I Cor. 4:11-12 NLV
If I am serious about being a true disciple
for Jesus, I will experience the tension of living in an imperfect world.
The Sermon on the Mount is a beautiful
sentiment to the natural man; but according to his views, it is hopelessly
impossible. The reason is, the natural
man fights his way through life with carnal weapons and justifies his methods
by saying, “You’ve got to fight fire with fire otherwise you are done for!”
‘But as Your disciple, Lord, I cannot
accept that way of life. In an imperfect world I must employ spiritual
principles, not carnal ones or try to justify my fleshly actions and hurtful
words. I cannot twist your Word around
to fit my fleshly desires.
For the natural man, to be carnal is life;
but for me it is death!’
Paul said, “Slaves, obey your earthly
masters.” (Eph. 6:5 NIV) There is no condition or compromise
here! I am to be obedient always,
regardless of whether I feel like it or not.
The Bible never says, “Be perfect IF, or be
perfect EXCEPT.” God knows how
imperfect, selfish and cruel the world is; yet He says to me, “Never mind them;
do as I say.”
The great temptation to a disciple is to
become accommodating which leads to compromise.
By this he tends to lower his behavioral standards to become popular, to
please his idols, famous, and acceptable to the world while trying to maintain
a Christian appearance.
It takes great courage to be a “sore thumb”
for Jesus Christ and that is what I will be if I insist on treating the world
according to God’s standard. Sadly,
there is no other way God can work redemptively in the natural man; he must see
the alternative to the meaningless life he lives.
Jesus has set His disciples among
unbelievers as the true example of a life of truth and virtue, which is what
the natural man longs for inwardly.
I am to be “perfect” for his sake, as well
as for God’s eternal glory. When we live
that kind of life, we “become [in behavior] sons of [our] heavenly Father” for
that is the way our Father lives.
(Matthew 5:45 Berkeley)
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