“…….. he shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams
of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not
fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to
maturity].” Psalm 1:3 AMP
What is the chief result of a disciple’s
The very same result that characterized
the life of Christ-----He made things live!
The Nile is called the “breadbasket” of
Egypt because it changes barren deadness into living greenness.
God sends us disciples into a spiritually
arid waste and expects us to leave it fertile and green. Ezekiel’s river of blessing began at the
altar and traveled down through brown deadness, but what a result! Everywhere the river went, everything
lived. (Ezek. 47:9)
Have you ever noticed the sharp contrast
of Hebrews 11? Against a bleak
background of death, those men and women of faith created life. Look at Abraham: “From this one man, and he
was as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky” Heb. 11:12.
The deadness of Abraham’s body was the
beginning of a miracle----by faith. That
is how Jesus lived! He constantly
touched “dead” people, spiritually as well as physically and made them live.
Greenness is the test of a disciple. Is my path strewn with people whom I have
touched into life?
Worldly men can coerce others into
conformity, but the man of God can ignite them into spontaneous, living
obedience. But only---------if the
disciple himself is in direct touch with Him who is life.
Do the signs of life follow me-----healed
wounds, enlightened minds, selflessness, reborn souls, purified relationships,
righteousness and an atmosphere charged with the glory of God?
Lord, my purpose in life is to make the
“land live” but only as You, the Prince of Life, live out Your life in me! Thank you for the awesome promise, “ I will
put My Spirit within you, and you will come to life” Ezek. 37:14.
Lord, make the land around me live, also!
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