“The Holy Spirit says,
"Listen to his voice today. If you hear it, don't be stubborn.
You were stubborn when you opposed me.
You did that when you were put to the test in the desert.
"Listen to his voice today. If you hear it, don't be stubborn.
You were stubborn when you opposed me.
You did that when you were put to the test in the desert.
There your people of long ago put me to the test.
For 40 years they saw what I did. That is why I was angry with them.
I said, 'Their hearts are always going down the wrong path.
They have not known my ways.' So in my anger I took an oath.
I said, 'They will never enjoy the rest I planned for them.' "
Brothers and sisters,
make sure that none of you has a sinful heart. Do not let an unbelieving heart turn you away
from the living God. But build one
another up every day. Do it as long as
there is still time. Then none of you will become stubborn. You won't be fooled
by sin's tricks.
We belong to Christ
if we hold firmly to the faith we had at first. But we must hold to it until
the end. It has just been said, "Listen
to his voice today.
If you hear it, don't be stubborn. You were stubborn when you opposed me."
If you hear it, don't be stubborn. You were stubborn when you opposed me."
Who were those who
heard and refused to obey? Weren't they
all the people Moses led out of Egypt? Who was God angry with for 40 years? Wasn't it with those who sinned? They died in the desert. What people did God promise with an oath that
they would never enjoy the rest he planned for them? Wasn't it those who didn't
So we see that they weren't able to enter. That's because they didn't believe.” Heb. 3:7-19 NIRV
Hebrews 3:11
describes the point at which the God says “Ok, you don’t want me, that’s very
clear – you might call yourself a Christian, you might claim some past
religious experiences or some present religious rituals – at the end of the day
that’s not what is important.
The plain fact of
the matter is that you do not actually want Me. Your heart is elsewhere. Fine, you do not want Me…………you do not get Me.
You prefer the desert, slavery and
death? You can have what you desire.”
God always gives
us what we want. Always! He never hands
us over to what we do not want. He
always hands us over to what we do want.
But it grieves
and angers Him that His people, His bride, the apple of His eye – constantly
prefer death in the desert to life with Him.
When we talk
about being hell-bent – we’re talking about the natural inclination of the
human heart. With our natural, hard,
straying hearts we prefer to wear a self-made crown in hell, than bow our knee
to Jesus.
What is our
problem? Verse 19 sums it up in a word:
“…they were not
able to enter, because of their unbelief.”
Unbelief is the
greatest evil imaginable. The greatest sin in the Bible is not murder, rape,
terrorism, theft – all these are symptoms of the really big sin.
The greatest sin
It’s jilting our
Bridegroom Jesus even as He pronounces His incredible wedding vows.
It is choosing to
trust ourselves rather than trust Jesus, our Husband.
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