“………there are many who are rebellious
people, loudmouths, and deceivers, especially some of those who are Jewish
believers. They
must be silenced because they upset entire households. They teach what they shouldn’t to make money
dishonestly. Someone
who is one of their own prophets said, “People from Crete are always liars,
wild animals, and lazy gluttons.”
This statement is true. Because of this, correct them firmly, so that
they can be healthy in their faith. They shouldn’t pay attention to Jewish
myths and commands from people who reject the truth. Everything is clean to those who are
clean, but nothing is clean to those who are corrupt and without faith.
Instead, their mind and conscience are corrupted.” Titus 1:10-15 CEB
The apostle Paul had a mission to instruct Titus who would
take action against the false teachers, and thereby give an example for the
elders on how they were to care for the churches under their charge.
What happens when this is neglected in the church?
Leadership becomes a solo act where one man/woman becomes
center stage and they are controlling the Church. They soon manipulate, deceive, charm and
flatter their way into being “god” in the lives of the congregation.
They do not encourage others to use their gifts, anointing
or abilities for fear they may be out-shined so they control every detail of
the church. They do not trust their
leaders therefore they lead every function, teach every service, lead every
prayer gathering and make all the decisions.
They surround themselves with “yes” men/women so they are seen as the most
anointed, powerful and intelligent. They
want people to believe they are the only one who hears the voice of the Holy Spirit.
believe they are more spiritual than anyone else and they should never be questioned
or challenged.
You can identify them quickly because their words do not
line up with their actions.
As a result something happens to the spiritual lives of the
people in their church. Instead of a holy people "zealous for good deeds
and a true revival," they become self-absorbed, self-centered, religious
people. When the church has no testimony of the purity and priority of the
gospel in the community, it is shipwrecked.
Is this not the danger in our day?
We have so many people professing to be Christians, and yet
we have so little impact on our communities. Morals continue to slide. Ethical practices
continue to erode. Marriages constantly
implode. Work ethic spirals downward. Rather than salt and light in the
communities, Christians seem to be joining the world and its lifestyles. Our goal must be soundness in what we believe
and how we practice the Christian life, not falling for subtle distractions or
men's opinions or the leanings of the religious crowd.
Unless the foundation of one's faith is built solidly upon
Jesus Christ crucified and raised from the dead, then it is a misplaced faith
built upon a crumbling foundation. For so many, the foundation of their faith
is in their profession or their baptism or a prayer they prayed or the
assurance given by a parent or a pastor rather than in Christ alone.
Here's the grave danger that has been promoted even among
evangelicals. As long as you profess to
know Christ, then all is well. But note Paul's warning. "They profess
to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient
and worthless [disqualified] for any good deed." The emphasis that Paul places upon the gospel
is that it is not simply a profession-it is a life.
There are those that do lots of seemingly good things. But doing good things cannot transform a
corrupt heart.
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