Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sluggard vs. Disciple………………

Go to the ant, you sluggard!
Consider her ways and be wise,
 Which, having no captain,
Overseer or ruler,
 Provides her supplies in the summer,
And gathers her food in the harvest.
 How long will you slumber, O sluggard?
When will you rise from your sleep?”   Prov. 6:6-9 NKJV

Sluggard                                                                Disciple

Pleasure driven                                               Purpose driven

Procrastinates - Proverbs 6:9-11                                    Initiates – Proverbs 6:6-8

(a little more rest…….)

Make excuses – Proverbs 22:13                     Makes sacrifices to obey God’s Word

Proud and unteachable – Prov. 26:16             Continually learning, working, serving        

Unhelpful – Proverbs 10:26                                   Serves others, puts others first

Like smoke in the eyes

When you neglect work, you hurt yourself.

When you neglect work, you hurt others.

Stuck – like a door stuck on its hinges                        Free – Psalm 145

Joyless (always craving) – Proverbs 21:26              Joyful; you feel good when you do

Craving approval, popularity, security.                     good because you are doing what   

                                                                        God created you to do.        

There is a positive example given of the ant in comparison of the sluggard.  “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.”  This is a humiliating example for man.  Here God comes along in the Word and He addresses one whom He originally created in His own image, to multiply, subdue and to keep the earth, and He takes him to one of the smallest of the creatures of the creation and He says, “Look at that ant and learn from him.”

We have only to watch the ant for a few minutes and we can see that it is an industrious and a cooperative animal.  We can see that the ant is self-motivated. We can, also see that it perseveres.   This is a very convicting example for us.  

The ant, according to the text, has no guide or overseer or ruler, and yet she provides her meat in the summer and gathers her food in the harvest.  If you have ever tried to stop an ant from doing its work, you know that an ant does not stand still for a minute. It will hesitate if you block its path, and then find some other way to accomplish its goals.

We should look at the ant, and we need to learn from the ant, and we have to gain wisdom.  Consider the ant and be wise.

What is wisdom?  Wisdom is a knowledge that takes God into account, a knowledge that applies the reality of God to daily life. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

The Bible calls us to be diligent—to be diligent in spiritual things; to be fervent in prayer; to be zealous in love; be one who searches the Scriptures daily; to realize that there is a battle and we have to be vigilant in this battle against the spiritual dangers.  The Bible calls us not to put off these things.

 Jesus knocks on our heart’s door to enter our life.  “Behold, I (Jesus) stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me” (Rev. 3:20).

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