“So keep your mind on Jesus, who put up with many insults from sinners. Then you won't get discouraged and give up”. Heb. 12:3 CEB
We must beware of one of Satan’s subtlest traps---competing with others.
Jesus knew nothing of competition; He only knew service. Too often we can become like the disciples, striving with who should be the greatest (Lk 22:24) and forgetting that the greatest of all is he who washes the feet of others.
Competition is really warfare and the only competitor we should have is our self. Competition is a Pandora’s Box that releases negative feelings towards others.
We must avoid comparison because God has a plan for each one of us that is individual and distinctive as the formation of a snowflake. A true Christian compares ‘himself’ with himself and is able to say, “The Lord has enabled me to grow in His plan.
Competition is one of Satan’s flaws. The moment God said to him, “Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him.” (Job 1:8) Satan was on a mission to bring him down. Satan could not stand God’s praise of Job; he wanted it for himself.
Whenever we are tempted to pattern our life or behavior after another, we will hear Jesus say, “What is that to you? You follow Me”. (John 21:22)
Competition ceases the moment we follow Paul’s advice: “Give preference to one another in honor”. (Rom. 12:10) We should strive for the lowest---most humble place not the highest. Wasn’t this the path chosen by Jesus, who “humbled Himself…even to the death of the cross”. Phil. 2: 5-8
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