I must avoid at all costs the religion of compromise. God put this religion in proper focus when He said to Jeremiah, “Am I a God at hand….and not a God afar off?” Jer. 23:23 I must not have a schizophrenic faith in God. I must not call to Him in trouble and then forget Him when all is well.
I find it easy to prosper as a Christian when I am totally surrendered to Christ. The question is: ‘how do I behave when alone, when no one is around, at work, at home, on vacation, or on a trip?’ How much of my Christianity is simply conformity under social or family pressure? Am I simply a chameleon, taking on the color of my surroundings without the necessary change of a true personal relationship with Christ?
God asks, “Can a man hide himself in secret places and I shall not see him?” Jer. 23:24 I must not toy with God as the Israelites did, seeking Him only in danger and totally ignoring His claim upon them. Israel’s idolatry was a symptom of the religion of compromise. I too, will become idolatrous by pretending God has no eyes to see or ears to hear.
I must be characterized by a continual touching of Jesus by faith, and not by just an acquaintance with Him. That means I need to know Him more than just head knowledge, I must know Him with heart knowledge. Compromise keeps Jesus away, but the touch of faith releases His almighty power in our lives. Faith treats God as the ever present, my anchor and my hope.
“But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.” 1 Peter 3:15
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