“And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.” John 8:32 (Amp. Bible)
We can overcome the world! The selfish, controlling, compromising---lukewarm condition of the church can be changed!
However, to be an over comer we must repent of our pride, selfishness, controlling, lustful and manipulating attitudes.
Unfortunately, many churches refuse to see themselves in a compromised position.
Man becomes the church and uses his position to feed his ego, control, manipulate and deceive all in the name of “self”.
Many people follow “the man” rather than the Word. They slip into a state of denial, sleepiness and deadness. They become defensive, argumentative and angry at anyone who may try to sound the alarm. Most people choose to stay in a state of denial.
Why? They don’t want to change!
Denial is an emotion rooted in fear that causes a person to refuse to acknowledge and/or act upon a revelation----a truth that has been revealed.
Denial is refusing to accept responsibility!
Why? Because it would mean “you” would have to take responsibility of the truth, act upon it, trust God and change.
Denial means we don’t want to change!
Denial also means we refuse to believe the truth. We don’t want to see the truth or hear it!
By living in denial we learn how to justify the sin/evil, compromise and distortion in our lives.
Therefore, it is best that no one talk about ‘it’. No one wants to see the evil that exist within the Church.
One word can sum it up: Deception!
“God help us to be true and faithful followers of what you want Your Church to be.”
Jesus Loves Me!
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