Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The foes of God………

But wrong-doers and sinners will be crushed together. Those who turn away from the Lord will come to an end.   For you will be ashamed of the oaks where you worshiped.

You will be ashamed of the gardens you have chosen.   For you will be like an oak tree whose leaf dries up, or like a garden that has no water.   The strong man will become easy to burn, and his work also a fire. They will burn together, and there will be no one to put the fire out.”  Isa. 1: 28-31 NLV

We live in a society that regardless of its outlook has an idea of consequences for bad behavior.

Isaiah gives the Lord’s consequences to those who would rebel.


For Isaiah’s people, judgment would be swift and it would be sure. For those that were living in wealth and comfort and glory and honor at the expense of others and in defiance of the Lord, those times would end. The ending, as described by Isaiah is brutal by all accounts.

Let us take that warning of consequence and bring it into the context of the world that we live in today.  For those that pass from this life without repenting from the sins that they have committed and failed to establish that relationship with Jesus, they will pass into an eternity of torment.

It is interesting when we look at the very last section of this Scripture that those who are the foes of God will be undone at their own hands.

As we come to the close of Isaiah chapter one, we have all in one way or another related to the words of the prophet Isaiah.  We are all aware of the circumstances of the world that we live in and how America has floundered in its relationship with God.

In light of all that what are we to do as the body of Christ?

We are certainly commanded to bring forth the Word of God to those that we have in our sphere of influence.  That includes those who dislike us as well as those that will and have done us harm. It is how we bring the Word of God to them that can be of the utmost importance.

We must realize that as hard as we try in some situations, there will be those that have their heart hardened through the many encounters with sin in their lives and they will resist any further moving towards Jesus who holds the key to their forgiveness. They know the choices that they are making – never allow that disappointment to dull your hunger to lead others to the throne of grace.


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